James Pearson MNCPS (Acc.)

What Is? Counselling

James Pearson MNCPS (Acc.)

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Therapy At Its Least!

Coming from the "Humanistic" school of thought... and having seen it work wonders over and over again... you might say I'm a bit of a believer in the power of talking therapy and self-actualisation (the power is already within you).

But what is it specifically that drives those positive outcomes if all we're doing is "talking"... that can seem a little simple... but that's the elegant beauty of it. Let's take a look...

My core belief is that being met empathically, authentically and consistently lies at the heart of re-firing whatever it is that you already possess inside - that drive, that forward momentum, that self-belief. Life can make a tangled mess of all that good stuff, but I believe wholly that the human soul prevails if given the right conditions to do so.

I've personally seen Humanistic Counselling challenge the darkest of despairs, restoring hope and humanity to those who were sure they'd lost it.

It's a caring, nurturing warm hug of an approach that sees me as your Counsellor partnering with you on a journey of change. I'm here as a beacon of unwavering light against the darkness and doubt as you carefully experience what matters to you at a pace that feels OK for you.

And that's the key here really, it IS an experience and it IS the experience that heals rather than any particular method or technique. It's less scientific than that. Heart-led if you will. It's a human experience and not a text book procedure. Relationship is key!

With warmth,
